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Free Methodist Church

Free Methodist Church Brazil - Rio Preto

Welcome to our blog.

We so glad with your visit here.

Our location is Brazil, our city is call "Black River" (english), on portuguese "Rio Preto".

Our services happens:
Sundays 7 p.m. and Wednesdays 8 p.m. (Brazilian oficial - GMT-3).

We invite you to come and know this beautiful religon, cultural, Evangelistc, Philantropic and social work.

Our address:
Fritz Jacobs street, nº 1008, Boa Vista, São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo State.

Our WebRadio:
You can listen our reunions and participate by Skype with us.

Ond this blog you listen our webradio. Our Skype id is: metodistalivre

Senior Pastor
Júlio César Loureiro Ronqui
twitter @PrJulioRonqui


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